On 12/30/2016 03:44 PM, Mick wrote:
On Friday 30 Dec 2016 12:12:17 Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
On 12/30/2016 12:04 PM, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
On 12/29/2016 03:21 PM, Mick wrote:
Hi All,

My sound has been behaving erratically for a while now, probably since
pulseaudio started being shipped with various desktop applications.

I had many similar issues years ago. I solved them by doing the following:

Oh, forgot to mention that I also deleted the ALSA custom configuration

   rm ~/.asoundrc
   rm /etc/asound.conf

It's recommended to not have them, unless you actually need them.

Thank you Nikos, I followed your advice above but the darn thing is still not
working as it should.  The interaction of pa with alsa is anything but aligned
with the way my brain works and with how alsa used to work.

Another thing I did was put this in the USE flags in make.conf:

  pulseaudio -alsa

and then do a:

  emerge -auDN --with-bdeps=y @world

That is, globally disable ALSA and enable PA. This makes sure that programs will use PulseAudio instead of ALSA. This prevents the issue where PA changes your ALSA mixer settings as the same time as an ALSA program tries to do the same, resulting in things getting FUBARed.

Unfortunately, portage is missing a feature where you can disable one USE flag only if another is available. So it's not possible to disable "alsa" only if the package also has a "pulseaudio" flag. That means if you have packages that only support ALSA, you need to enable the "alsa" USE flag for that package in package.use. This includes media-sound/pulseaudio itself! So package.use needs at least:

  media-sound/pulseaudio alsa

There's other packages where this is needed. My list in package.use:

  media-sound/audacity alsa
  media-libs/libcanberra alsa
  dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin alsa
  media-sound/audacity alsa

In general, if a package doesn't support PA and "alsa" is needed to make it support sound output, then it needs an entry in package.use.

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