J. Roeleveld wrote:
> On Friday, December 30, 2016 01:57:53 AM Dale wrote:
>> My settings:
>> EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--with-bdeps y --backtrack=100 --keep-going -v -j8
>> --quiet-build=n -1"
>> I forgot I had that set to 8 jobs.  Wonder why I did that?  Given your
>> experience, I want to get more ram and more cores.
> More RAM, yes. More cores aren't always necessary.
> With regards to your options, the " --load-average .... " setting is 
> important 
> to keep the system responsive.
> With mine, it is possible to have 12*12 GCC-processes running. The load-
> average prevents that from happening.
> --
> Joost

Mine stays very responsive until it runs out of memory.  Once it starts
using swap, it gets slow.  Things still work but it requires a lot of
patience.  Here are some more of my settings:


PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND="ionice -c 3 -p \${PID}"


I'll most likely upgrade the ram first.  That's the thing that I know is
running out.  The CPU is just a matter of those occasions when more
cores could/might be useful, which may be a lot or may not. 

One just always drools over the latest greatest stuff tho.  ;-)


:-)  :-) 

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