
>   (dependency required by "app-crypt/gnupg-2.1.16::gentoo" [ebuild])
>   (dependency required by "kde-base/kdelibs-4.14.27::gentoo" [ebuild])
>   (dependency required by "kde-base/katepart-4.14.3::gentoo" [installed])
> -- return to my observations --
> I've listed 'qt5' among my USE flags & haven't listed 'qt4',
> so it follows that I've specified "at most one of qt4/qt5".
> Portage refuses to hear this, so I'm stuck.

I bet kdelibs-4/katepart-4 is pulling in/setting `qt4` USE flag.
I've solved this issue for my self by ditching KDE, but thats not a real

Just wanted to point you to the upstream dependiencies of pinentry which
may have caused your situation.


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