On Fri, 16 Dec 2016 05:19:51 -0500,
Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> [1  <text/plain; us-ascii (quoted-printable)>]
> Hi!
> Possibly bad news (for pure ALSA users)! Read the new comment at:
> Require PulseAudio to play sound on Linux
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1247056#c178
> BTW, lots of comments are disallowed as "advocacy". Many users
> complained. I took time and did some investigation:
> ( in that other thread... details best found starting from maybe this
> email:
> Firefox 49.0 & Youtube....Video: Yes - Audio: No...
> https://marc.info/?l=gentoo-user&m=147953595617288&w=2
> and later
> )
> , and fixed audio in my Gentoo, thanks also to help by developers here
> and one (contributing) at ALSA ML.
> I still have audio in my Firefox, and my ebuilds have for years now
> contained: "-pulseaudio":
> www-client/firefox-50.0.2
> such as when playing Vimeo/Youtube/any other, in HTML, I have both video
> and audio.
> But as you can see, they see to insist to disable pure ALSA, and impose
> on everyone using Firefox, to install pusleaudio if they want to view
> videos in Firefox, and be able to listen to the sound of those video.
> The title of that bug now carries:
> Target Milestone:     mozilla52
> so it's not immediate (but pls note that it was claimed otherwise
> previously, previous target was earliear, IIUC).
> In my stron opinion, and opinions are allowed in Gentoo, just not
> imposing your opinion onto others (and that I am not doing, feel free
> to disagree!), pulseadio is spyware, read more here:
> Re: [Alsa-user] sans-pulseaudio Firefox? was: a strange thing
> https://www.mail-archive.com/alsa-user@lists.sourceforge.net/msg31928.html
> I'll try and ask on Alsa-user whether this decision makes a real threat
> to remain without audio for all users who want to stick with pure ALSA
> (I will never install pulseaudio).
> If some Gentoo developers, and there usually are a few, are reading here, is
> this a serious possibility that -pulseaudio useflag users will remain
> with silent Firefox, or is this just noise on the part of some
> ...particularly inclined Mozilla devs with some decision power?
> (I already asked such a question:
> Firefox 49.0 & Youtube....Video: Yes - Audio: No...
> https://marc.info/?l=gentoo-user&m=148054527030206&w=2
> but didn't get a reply, but, apparently, so far the "pulseaudio required"
> was bogus for the previous target which was Firefox46 IIUC, or?)
> Thanks for the kind consideration!

Using 50.0.2, I hadto enablepulseaudio and in the /etc/pulseaudio I
had to set spawn=yes in client.conf before I could hear anything.

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         John Covici

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