On 2016-12-10, Kevin Monceaux <ke...@rawfeddogs.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 09, 2016 at 07:41:51PM +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
>> I think he meant that from a "desktop productivity" standpoint, the
>> two are the same: you have to close every single program you are using
>> and then start over.
> I'm old fashioned.  I use text based apps as much as possible.  I'm using
> mutt and vim to compose this e-mail, for example.

It's slrn and emacs for me.

> They're running under screen, which is running in an rxvt-unicode
> terminal under dwm.  I could detach my screen session, exit
> rxvt-unicode and bounce dwm without having to exit vim or mutt.  I
> also have music playing via moc in another screen session.  Thanks
> to screen I could bounce my window manager without missing a beat.
> :-)

Yep, there are long-running things that I run in screen so that I can
restart X, or continue using them from a different location or
whatever.  But, that's pretty far removed from what most people (even
Linux users) do with a "desktop".


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