On 2016-10-25, Zhu Sha Zang <zhushaz...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:

> Hey dude, i have acroread installed but use okular since long time
> ago.  In fact my i was in doubt if acroread still installed. I'll
> uninstall acroread, but how to recompile packages without 32-bit
> ABI? Is there a smart way or I need to change e recompile each one?

In /etc/portage/packages.use, remove the abi_x86_32 USE flags from the
packages to which it was added to make acroread happy.

Then do an "emerge -avND world"

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Remember, in 2039,
                                  at               MOUSSE & PASTA will
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