Actually, I was able to set a password although I may not have stated this 
clearly enough for you to get it.I saw the directions about make user, but was 
unsure if this was for root since the manual mentioned a wheeluser.  

    On Saturday, September 24, 2016 4:55 PM, Dale <> wrote:

 Well, you said you hadn't set up any users and their passwords.  That is
part of the install process and is in the guide.  You are told to set up
the root password in one section and to set up a user and its password
in another section.  At the very least, you missed those two parts and
that isn't a assumption, it's based on what you posted.  What else you
missed I'm not sure and most likely, no one else is either.  Rich posted
that he thinks you missed a whole section which may or may not be
correct but we do know you missed at least a couple steps  Given enough
information, someone may be able to figure it out tho. 


:-)  :-) 

Christopher Robinson wrote:
> Dale,
> Your assumption that I missed a section is entirely offbase and does not 
> respond to
> my original question. I could say that you are missing the point of what I 
> asked.
> For those who have had helpful suggestions I give thanks.
> --------------------------------------------
> On Sat, 9/24/16, Dale <> wrote:
>  Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] New Install
>  To:
>  Date: Saturday, September 24, 2016, 4:17 PM
>  Again, top posting to
>  follow his lead. 
>  It's
>  not a fight.  It's just called being prepared. 
>  Missing a section
>  isn't going to give
>  you a proper install.  It's one reason I always
>  recommend a person read the docs several
>  times.  The reason for that, if
>  something
>  doesn't seem right, you will more than likely notice it
>  and go
>  back and figure out what was
>  missed.  The fact that I don't see a
>  all-in-one page guide isn't helping you
>  any.  If it was on one page,
>  even as a
>  option for those who don't like it, then you likely
>  wouldn't
>  have missed a section.  Just
>  start at the top and work your way down. 
>  Maybe after this, someone will see the need for
>  at least some of us to
>  have it all in one
>  long page.  Maybe Rich can whisper in someone's
>  ear.  I guess printing it and
>  putting it in order would work but that
>  means a lot of typing when a lot of times, a
>  copy and paste will be
>  easier. 
>  Thing is, it's hard to
>  tell what was wrong because no one knew you
>  missed a section, I suspect Neil did sort of
>  figure that to be the case
>  tho which is why
>  he replied with what he did.  What we do know, if you
>  follow the guide, you should get a bootable
>  system.  It may not be 100%
>  perfect but it
>  should boot at least.  Gentoo has some excellent docs,
>  especially the install part.  Unless you have
>  some pretty odd hardware,
>  it should work.
>  One thing I learned the
>  hard way.  Pretty much no matter what you may
>  mess up, you can chroot in and go back and fix
>  it. Just boot using
>  whatever media you
>  selected, follow the mount and chroot section and
>  then correct whatever is wrong.  You do NOT
>  have to start from scratch
>  most of the
>  time.  You'd have to have made a boo boo in the very
>  early
>  stages to end up doing that. 
>  I'm just hoping you can
>  fix this easily and finish your install.  :-)
>  Dale
>  :-)  :-) 
>  Christopher Robinson wrote:
>  > I don't really want to get into a
>  fight, but some of the replies-not Rich's- are
>  missing
>  > the point I am raising. To then
>  disparage me is unworthy for a support list.
>  >
>  --------------------------------------------
>  > On Sat, 9/24/16, Dale <>
>  wrote:
>  >
>  >  Subject:
>  Re: [gentoo-user] New Install
>  >  To:
>  >  Date: Saturday, September 24, 2016, 3:44
>  PM
>  >  
>  >  Rich
>  Freeman wrote:
>  >  > On Sat, Sep 24,
>  2016 at 11:35 AM, Dale
>  >  <>
>  >  wrote:
>  >  >>
>  Actually, he is correct.
>  >  >
>  Actually, he isn't, which is hard to
>  >  demonstrate since everybody is
>  top-posting.
>  >  
>  > 
>  Actually he is and your reply
>  > 
>  supports that point.  Also, I top posted
>  >  because he did and I posted that
>  reasoning. 
>  >  I'm sure he will get
>  around
>  >  to bottom
>  >  posting when he gets his install done. 
>  Who knows what he
>  >  is
>  >  using at the moment. 
>  >  >
>  >  >> On
>  Saturday,
>  >  September 24, 2016 9:47 AM,
>  Neil Bothwick <>
>  >  >> wrote:
>  > 
>  >>
>  >  >> You need to read
>  chapter 1 of the
>  >  Gentoo handbook from
>  start to finish,
>  >  >> then read
>  it again.
>  >  > The handbook
>  doesn't have chapters. 
>  >  The step
>  that was missed was well
>  >  > into
>  >  the process.
>  > 
>  >
>  >  
>  >  If he
>  was reading and following the install
>  > 
>  guide, how did he do that
>  >  when he
>  missed a
>  >  whole section?  Obviously,
>  he wasn't following it
>  >  since
>  >  he missed the section.  When I did
>  my
>  >  first install well over a
>  decade
>  >  ago, I read
>  >  that thing at least three of four times
>  to even see if I
>  >  wanted to try
>  Gentoo.  During my last install
>  >  on
>  my new rig a few years
>  >  ago, I read
>  it
>  >  twice even tho it was mostly the
>  same.  Installing
>  >  Gentoo
>  >  isn't easy but it is very hard
>  >  when you are not familiar enough with
>  the
>  >  process to even realize you
>  missed a whole
>  >  section.  If you
>  follow the
>  >  guide and
>  >  don't miss anything, it should
>  work.  The only major
>  >  set back
>  >  you can have is a badly configured
>  >  kernel that won't complete the
>  boot
>  >  process.  I might add, this is
>  also why I
>  >  prefer a one page guide.
>  >  Start at the top
>  >  and work your way to the bottom.  Very
>  little chance of
>  >  missing anything
>  then. 
>  >  
>  >  Now
>  that he knows he missed a section, maybe he
>  >  can chroot into it, do
>  >  that section and
>  > 
>  finish the install.  That is unless his mobo blows out. 
>  >  :/
>  >  
>  >  Dale
>  >  
>  >  :-)  :-) 
>  >  
>  >  
>  >
>  >


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