On 09/06/2016 11:20 AM, gevisz wrote:
> 2016-09-06 21:16 GMT+03:00 gevisz <gev...@gmail.com>:
>> I had one IDE hard drive for /
>> and one SATA hard drive for /home
>> After adding another (yet non-formatted) SATA hard drive
>> the system panics and complains that it cannot find kernel
>> (if I understood it correctly :).
>> As it happens after the GRUB(2) menu, I suspect GRUB(2).
>> Just executed
>> # grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
>> but have not tried to reboot yet.
>> After disconnecting a new hard drive, the system boot normally.
>> Any ideas?
> P.S. Just forgot to say that everything works fine if I connect the
>       new SATA drive already after booting the system.

Your /dev/sd* devices are changing when you boot with the new drive most
likely. Try taking the new drive out and reconfigure your system to boot
with UUID's for the drives instead of /dev/sda1 or whatever it is in
your case.


Willie Matthews

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