On 09/08/2016 18:09, Daniel Frey wrote:
> On 08/09/2016 05:42 AM, Michael Mol wrote:
>> I used Thunderbird for years, but I eventually had to stop when it would, 
>> averaging once a month (though sometimes not for a couple months, sometimes 
>> a 
>> couple times a week) explode in memory consumption and drive the entire 
>> system 
>> unresponsively into swap.
> I've been using thunderbird exclusively on my PC and haven't seen this
> particular issue. When was the last time you tried it?
> I've probably got between 8k and 10k messages in it right now. Memory
> consumption is 3.3% of 8GB and I do see every 30 seconds or so
> thunderbird wakes up and does something for a few seconds, using 8-10%
> of CPU while it does. But I've never noticed it actually doing anything
> (like slowing the system to a crawl.)
> Dan

Every time I've seen Thunderbird stuuter and stall, it's been network
related. Usually I'm trying to access a large IMAP store remotely (that
tends to stall all IMAP clients to some degree depending on how well the
system deals with blocking).

Alan McKinnon

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