> On 28 Jul 2016, at 20:22, »Q« <boxc...@gmx.net> wrote: > > Yesterday, I went from kde-plasma/plasma-desktop-5.5.5-r1 to -5.6.5, > after which I am not seeing nearly as many icons as I used to. A lot > of other KDE packages were upgraded as well, and I don't know where to > start with troubleshooting. > > In Dolphin, I no longer see icons for flac or mp3 files, just blank > space where an icon should be. I haven't checked other file types.
The place to start with troubleshooting is with some creative investigation. `genlop -l --date "2016/07/28"` will show you all packages installed in the last 2 days - grep the output for "icon" and "theme". Use `eix -I icon` to see what relevant packages are installed on your system. Now the same for `eix -I theme`. If any of the installed icon or theme packages have not been updated in the last 2 days, update them. I speculate that kde-plasma/plasma-desktop depends on packages X and Y, and between -5.5.5 and -5.6.5 some icons were moved from one package to the other. Surely there are things you can try before posting here. I feel unkind saying this, so I apologise, but at the least you could have posted a list of the packages that you installed yesterday. Half the time I sit down to ask a question here, I solve it myself during the process of documenting the bug to explain my problem to the list (see ESR's "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way"). It's appropriate to work out what installed packages might be relevant, update them to the latest versions, and show the list that you've done this. I think that if none of this works, it would be sensible to see if you can downgrade some relevant the packages that you installed yesterday (i.e. those with "icon" or "theme" in the name), and see if this reinstates your visual file-type portrayals. This is a bit more work, but it might document the problem sufficiently that you can document the bug at b.g.o. and help others. Stroller