26 lip 2016 10:29 "Tom H" <tomh0...@gmail.com> napisaƂ(a):
> On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 2:56 AM, Artur Zych <artur.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > If you're using GPT disk and want to use uefi then you can just create
> > one efi partition (should be around 200-500mb (depends if you're
> > planning on using multiple systems on the same disk) - this will hold
> > .efi files for all your systems as well as the bootloader.
> >
> > I you're using GTP but want to stick to MBR, then you create 1MB
> > partition to hold the boot loader, then /boot and the rest.
> >
> > About the 100MB EFI-partition: it's a Microsoft recommendation:
> > https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/EFI_System_Partition, read the
> > "create the partition" section.
> Please bottom-post.
> The OP wants a partition scheme for both "standard" and efi firmware,
> so he wants an EF02 (gdisk name) of 1MB and an EF00 (also gdisk name).
> The OP wanted the EF02 to be mounted as "/boot" so it has to be larger
> than 100MB in order to accomodate multiple kernels (and possibly
> initramfs "thingies" as they're sometimes called here).
Then the OP is lucky as the handbook describes this exact scheme the OP
wants. Only one adjusment should be considered - I would recommend around
500 MB for /boot if the OP wants to use multiple systems and if
disk space is of no special concern.

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