On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 12:49 AM, Adam Carter <adamcart...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to troubleshoot a newly setup nfs server, which, sometimes has a
> 30 second pause (tcpdump shows its server waiting).
> # time touch /usr/portage/distfiles/testfile
> real    0m30.088s
> user    0m0.000s
> sys     0m0.001s
> I cant see anything in the nfs server debugging so i want to strace nfsd.
> First i tell it to use single thread so i know i;m stracing the correct
> thread, but;
> # grep OPTS_RPC_NFSD nfs
> #OPTS_RPC_NFSD="8 -N2 -V 3 -V 4 -V 4.1"
> OPTS_RPC_NFSD="1 -N2 -V 3 -V 4 -V 4.1"
> # systemctl restart nfs-server
> # pgrep -lf nfsd
> 23546 nfsd4_callbacks
> 23548 nfsd
> 23549 nfsd
> 23550 nfsd
> 23551 nfsd
> 23552 nfsd
> 23553 nfsd
> 23554 nfsd
> 23555 nfsd
> So its not respecting the nproc setting. Any ideas? I also tried changing
> EXPORTFS_TIMEOUT= since its currently set at 30. It didnt help, but perhaps
> that's because its being ignored too.

Are the nfsd versions that you're setting being respected? You can
check with "rpcinfo -s" or "cat /proc/fs/nfsd/versions".

You can change the number of threads on the fly with "echo 1 >

I don't use systemd on Gentoo but for the nfs-utils upstream-shipped
systemd units that I think that Gentoo's using, you have to re-run
nfs-config.service - or run the script that it calls - in order to
update the "/run/sysconfig/nfs-utils" environment file that's sourced
by the nfs-server.service unit.

Does "/var/lib/nfs/v4recovery/" exist?

Does adding the client to "/etc/hosts" - or to your reverse dns zone -
eliminate the delay?

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