On Wed, Jul 13 2016, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 12:55 PM, allan gottlieb <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
>> Hardware: Dell Latitude E7450 laptop
>> Gentoo essentially all stable
>> Gnome / Systemd
>> When I play a movie using totem it sounds fine if no headphones are
>> plugged it.
>> No sound at all with headphones (I tried three different ones).
>> The sound settings gui recognizes that headphones are in.  The sound
>> test is silent.  If I select the internal speakers in the gui (with the
>> headphones still in) sound is fine.
>> Is there some headphone option I must enable in the kernel or elsewhere?
> The volume is probably muted for the headphones. Install pavucontrol,
> and execute it while the movie is playing. In the "Output Devices" tab
> look for your sound card (probably something like "Built-in Audio"),
> and in port select "Headphones". Then adjust the volume.
> Regards.

Thank you (and robot1).  I installed pavucontrol and followed your
instructions.  The volume was selected in the middle (100%).  We see a
volume meter going up and down as expected with either headphones or
speakers selected.  When mute is pressed the meter looks dead, as

It also shows line-out is unplugged and headphones are plugged it.

Any thoughts.  I appreciate the help.


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