Marc Joliet <> wrote:

> On Wednesday 08 June 2016 02:43:07 wabe wrote:
> [...]
> >But I wonder why portage wanna change udev to eudev on my system. It
> >seems that this is not the case for everyone else. I'm using a stable
> >hardened gentoo system and did not change USE flags or other
> >settings. Just started my regular update process.  
> [...]
> My suspicion is that libgudev is in @world (or in a set your created
> yourself). Perhaps try "emerge --deselect libgudev"; if it works, the
> hard blocker should become a soft blocker ("b" instead of "B"), which
> portage can resolve by itself.

It isn't listed in /var/lib/portage/world. But it's a dependency of
about a dozen of packages on my system.

At the moment I don't have enough time to search for the reason why 
portage wants to install eudev. So I simply unmerged udev and 
installed eudev.


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