Hi Andrew,

2016-06-12 16:26 GMT+02:00 Andrew Lowe <a...@wht.com.au>:

> Hi all,
>         A bit off topic here, but there are plenty of people who seem to
> know their shells back to front so here goes.
>         I have set up a Win32 based development environment,
> bash/cc/ls/etc/etc, for 1st year Engineering students who have to learn C
> on a command line. It's fine for me to remember to put the & at the end of
> the command when I fire up the editor but for them, it's major angst.
>         The first thing that comes to mind is an alias. Just off the top
> of my head I tried:
>         alias "npp=npp %1 &"

Shouldn't this be: alias npp="npp %1 &"  ?

> npp being the editor, but that didn't work. Is an alias the best/easiest
> way to do this and if so, what would the syntax be, or is there a better
> way?
>         Any thoughts, greatly appreciated,
>                 Andrew
Hope this helps,

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