On 31/05/16 06:43, Giampiero Gabbiani wrote:
> In data martedì 31 maggio 2016 05:55:10, Bill Kenworthy ha scritto:
>> On 30/05/16 20:09, Neil Bothwick wrote:
>>> On Sat, 28 May 2016 14:46:02 +0300, Thanasis wrote:
>>>> On 05/28/2016 09:03 AM, Bill Kenworthy wrote:
>>>>> I was just about to spring for a mid range MS surface pro 4 tablet
>>>>> when I saw a few posts about hardware problems ... MS hardware is
>>>>> usually solid (in contrast to their software! :)
>>>>> Are there any other similar tablets out there that are gentoo/Linux
>>>>> friendly that are worth looking at?
>>>>> I have been using an old Samsung android tablet and google has just
>>>>> crossed the line and creeped me out past what I can tolerate so its
>>>>> time to move on  :(
>>>>> BillK
>>>> Aquaris M10
>>>> https://store.bq.com/gl/
>>> Have you actually run Gentoo on one of these?
>> Tried to do gentoo on android but was missing some essential settings in
>> the kernel available ... and its not the most powerful beast :)  I did
>> eventually build a custom cyanogenmod but in the end decided that with a
>> failing battery, it wasn't worth it :(
>> The surface 4 is running gentoo but but I am running out of chickens
>> trying to get the bootloader going ... seems like grub cant see the NVMe
>> ssd the sp4 uses and rEFInd is being ... difficult :)
>> EFI is like bad magic ... doesn't really work!  My last efi adventure
>> was an apple air some 4 years or more ago (which eventually worked) - it
>> hasn't progressed much in that time.
>> BillK
> On both surface Pro and Pro 3 it worked with the following partition:
> /dev/sda1 ef00 fat32 512MiB
> Grub2 was compiled with device-mapper USE flag and GRUB_PLATFORMS="efi-64"
> And installed with 
> # grub2-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --boot-
> directory=/boot/efi
> What exactly is the problem?
> Grub2 succeeded in installation? If yes could you give the efibootmgr output?
> Regards
> Giampiero

Working ... well the basics (console)!

EFI - was down to me misunderstanding the syntax for refind and then a
few other bugs/missing kernel driver etc.  Booting from rEFInd directly
using the kernel EFI stub.  grub2 has been removed.

Patched the kernel for the type 4 keyboard so have the MS type 4 KB
working at the console including the mousepad (using gpm)

WiFi (thanks to the the recent wpa_supplicant thread saving me time to
refamilise myself with this) working to WPA2 - relatively easy :)

Next is X and the fruit :)


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