> On 05/26/2016 04:32 AM, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> Aye, there's the rub. Git is a closed book to me at the moment.


I started a new thread for (2) reason. 
1. The original thread does not show up in my gmane, as it was
down for a few days.

2. I think 'subject drift' warrants a new thread. Anyway recap::

You are not alone Peter. In fact there are so many git documents, howto
and such that every time I 'dive in' I mostly get a mess. Thankfully,
I keep duplicates of the codes in an old fashion directory tree 
structure;(circa 35 years now).

Better yet MO writes::

You'll spend a while getting used to git, there's no way around it. You
just have to pick a project and force yourself to use git all day. All
of the commands have the wrong names:

  * Want to check out a repository? There's `git checkout`, but that's
    not what it does. You want `git clone`.

  * Want to start a new branch? There's `git branch`, but what you
    actually want is `git checkout`.

  * Want to reset the modifications you've made to a file? There's
    `git reset`, but what you really want is `git checkout`.

  * Want to merge your changes with upstream? There's `git merge`,
    but chances are, you want `git pull --rebase`.

  * Want to commit a new file? There's `git commit`, but it won't work.

...and so on.

That said, after my bicycle, git is probably the most useful piece of
technology I use on a daily basis. All of the time I spent banging my
head on my desk turned out to be well worth it. So, don't despair too much.


which is GREAT! We just need more like this collected into the

If fact maybe what we need is some GENTOO git/github guide collection that
ramps ups novices to some functional level with git and github via a well
defined pathway. Maybe that has already been documented on the irc channels
used by the 'proxy-maintainers'?    Dunno.....

But since git/hub is so intertwined now at gentoo, I'd surely appreciate a
GENTOO(git/hub)handbook so those of us not up to dev-status have a
functional guide that we can read and follow, up to a certain level. Maybe
that level is joining proxy-maintainer's club; then dev status.

Rote responses to the effect of 'go learn git/hub' I find is like learning
to cliff dive from 75' without first learning from a 1 meter spring-board.
It's just dysfunctional. The old CVS stuff was self explanatory and easy to
pick up.

I do follow the recent devmanual efforts and EAPI6 and it seems to me that 
the level of senior dev input to guide the other devs in those efforts is
bearing lots of fruit, as we (the user community) explore proxy-maintenance
and such 'step-up' pathways. If the devs want more proxy and devs to join,
making that pathway well defined goes a long way to encouraging folks, imho.

So what do others think, do we need a git/hub handbook right after the
gentoo-install-handbook, full of tips and recipes for gentoo git_noobs?

comments welcome,

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