On 2016-05-06, Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
> On Fri, 6 May 2016 16:21:28 +0000 (UTC), Grant Edwards wrote:
>> >> Thanks.  That's good to know -- I'll definitely set things up so I'm
>> >> not running winusb as root.  
>> >
>> > Well, you could always reinstall grub-0 before rebooting, to make
>> > sure.  
>> I just created a systemsrescuecd bootable USB flash drive that can be
>> be used to re-install grub-0 in the MBR if something does go wrong.
>> But, running winusb as a non-privlidged user should prevent any
>> collateral damage to the MBR.
> It should also prevent winusb writing to the MBR of the USB stick,
> which sort of defeats the point.

Nope.  I have my system configured so that my USB flash drives are
writable for users in the group "usb" -- of which I am one.


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