On Wednesday, April 27, 2016 03:21:38 AM James wrote:
> https://freeswitch.org/
> Seems to be opensource. Runs on Arm (rpi) and x86
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeSWITCH
> Is there something similar in portage?
> Anyone tested this on debian or any other linux distro?
> Folks interested in an ebuild for this software?

I have a Freeswitch install on a (non-Gentoo) box at a client. That client has 
recently moved to a different PBX product. I will not willingly install another 
Freeswitch setup, and my full rant as to why would be a multi-part blog post.

My recommendation would be to use sip-proxy if it meets your needs, Asterisk 
or Kamailio if you need something heavier.


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