On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 10:31:42PM -0400, Poison BL. wrote:
> The file 'bootx64.efi' is the default that uefi looks for when booting
> a 'disk' in a quasi-bios-style fallback (if there's not a real 'boot
> this particular thing' like the windows boot manager adds), which also
> makes the efibootmgr example that sets up a boot entry for it a little
> redundant (though using efibootmgr, one could add an entry for grub to
> fix the whole mess).

It should be noted that this is very firmware-specific - some implementations
use this only as a fallback, some use it as an override to the "default" menu
selection, and some only use it if no other alternatives exist.

Sam Jorna (wraeth)
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