On Fri, 8 Apr 2016 13:26:31 -0400, Poison BL. wrote:

> --> /boot/efi/boot/bootx64.efi <--  
> This one is what your UEFI's loading at boot. The lack of any other
> files in /boot/efi/boot/ makes me suspect Grub's not actually
> installed in quite the right spot for the UEFI layer to load it. If
> you pointed grub2-install at the right place (the second command line
> at [1]), I believe you should have grubx64.efi there as well.

Did you build GRUB with GRUB_PLATFORMS="efi-64"?

As you're using EFI, you may find life easier if you dispense with GRUB
and use Gummiboot. I find it (or the systemd version) far more friendly.

Neil Bothwick

Home is where you hang your @.

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