Mike Gilbert <floppym <at> gentoo.org> writes:

> > So /usr/portage/dev-python is around 1500 packages. Is it time to
> > create some new categories to reduce this size, or is it ok, in the
> > "gentoo-way" for everything /python/ to be lumped into dev-python/?

> > We do not organize things around 'C' like that, so since python is
> > ubiquitous in linux now, does it make since to treat /python/ 
> > differently that we do bash or C ?

> > Or am I miss reading this portage tree organizational wisdom? 
> > I understand it  and agree with it for one-off languages, but 
> > surely python has passed that point?

> I think you have asked this question on the wrong mailing list.
> gentoo-dev would be more appropriate.

It is rhetorical in nature:: just looking for ideas and wise guidance from
some other old farts and youngsters.

Besides the bike-shedding on GD sometimes includes the throwing of
gears and sprockets so it's safer to see what folks think here. 
If I'm lucky, a gentoo dev will re-formulate the idea, add a wee bit of
deeper (git) thought to it and then re-master it as his own idea........

Furthermore, some other categories are growing large too, so there
does seem to be some logical need to define, as least qualitatively,
the criteria when a portage tree category needs to be split. Or 
at least mention some motivational categorization monikers  related  as
to how and why categories are defined in the first place.

Maybe it's already unofficially  part of the PMS? 
A future GLEP?


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