
I'm looking for some EAPI-6 examples or ebuild templates to
to review. 

Is there a simple way to parse the portage tree for EAPI=6 examples
regardless if they are testing, stable or still just beta in a git
repo somewhere? Maybe a particular dev has already revised a group
of ebuilds and I just need to search out, by dev, a list of packages and
recent date of ebuilds to find a cache of EAPI=6 ebuilds to parse?
(not sure how to proceed on this hunch).

# qgrep -H EAPI=5 wstools-0.4.3.ebuild

works for a specific file, but I want to parse the entire /dev-python
portion of the portage tree. Is there a more robust tool? Maybe I should
just patch the qgrep applet to suite my needs (hardest option)?

Is there a recommended cache of EAPI=6 ebuilds I can look at, particularly
to note differences in the EAPI=6 versus their EAPI=5 older sibling ebuilds?

Any guidance is welcome.


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