On 03/08/2016 03:02 PM, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 08, 2016 at 02:03:27PM -0800, Willie Matthews wrote:
>> On 03/08/2016 01:41 PM, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
>>> Hi folks
>>> I’m trying to follow an article¹ on setting up a fully encrypted system for
>>> my soon-to-arrive laptop. It and others (e.g. ² in a very condensed form)
>>> simply luksFormat a block device, then luksOpen it and run pvcreate on that.
>>> [...]
>> If I am not mistaken you have to create a partition on the drive before
>> you can use "pvcreate /dev/sda1".
> Please look again: I run pvcreate on a LUKS container, not a partition. ;)
> The container itself resides on the first GPT partition of the SSD.
> In condensed form, I did what ² in my OP was saying:
> parted -s /dev/sda mklabel msdos
> parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary 2048s 100%
> cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda1
> cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 lvm
> pvcreate /dev/mapper/lvm
> -- poof --
> (only I used GPT instead of MSDOS because of UEFI)
>> If you would like to get rid of the /run/lvm/lvmetad.socket error just
>> start lvm with "service lvm start". I still get the error when starting
>> up but it still works.
> I noticed that and quickly found /etc/init.d/lvmetad, but since I'm doing
> only the setup on this PC, I don't realler bother.
>> I used your first link to do a full encrypted secure boot install of
>> Gentoo.
>> (https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Sakaki%27s_EFI_Install_Guide/Preparing_the_LUKS-LVM_Filesystem_and_Boot_USB_Key).
>> It works like a charm.
> Good to know.
>> If you don't want to use a USB key to boot every time make sure you make
>> a small partition on the drive to hold all the information for your
>> encryption and secure boot files. I made that mistake and it took a
>> while to fix.
> I keep an ESP at the end of the SSD of ~700 megs. That way I can also keep a
> sysrescuecd ISO around. (Sort of the Gentoo way of a recovery partition ^^ ).
> Cheers.

What does pvdisplay printout?


Willie Matthews
(702) 659-9966

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