On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 7:02 PM, Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been struggling to parse/split/substitute some names and numbers using a
> spreadsheet and think that this task may be easier to achieve using
> conventional *nix tools. The problem is I wouldn't know where to start.
> I have a directory with loads of images.  Each image file name has a
> description comprising hyphen-separated words and a part number, also hyphen
> separated; e.g.:
> some-description-with-words-012-63099.jpg
> The number and length of the words change for each file.  The part number
> always has two components separated by a hyphen, but may also change in length
> and acquire more/fewer digits.
> I need two outputs:
> 1. the description + " (per M²)", like so:
> some-description-with-words (per M²)
> 2. the part number, but replacing the hyphen with "/", like so:
> 012/63099
> I can list the directory contents and redirect all image file names into a txt
> file.  What I am looking for is some additional steps I can pipe it through to
> obtain the two outputs, either in the same file or different files.  These
> file(s) are then imported into a spreadsheet template and manipulated, before
> the result is ultimately exported from the spreadsheet and uploaded to a
> server as a CSV file.
> Is this parsing, splitting and substitution exercise achievable?  Any
> suggestions to try out?
> --
> Regards,
> Mick

To get the desired output in two distinct steps, you could try this:

echo 'some-description-with-words-012-63099.jpg' |
sed 's!-[0-9][0-9]*.*! (per M²)!'
some-description-with-words (per M²)

echo 'some-description-with-words-012-63099.jpg' |
sed 's![^0-9][^0-9]*!!; s![.][^0-9]*!!; s!-!/!'

To get both types of output on the same line separated with white
space, you could try this:

echo 'some-description-with-words-012-63099.jpg' |
sed '
    s!-[0-9][0-9]*.*! (per M²)!
    y!\n! !
some-description-with-words (per M²) 012/63099

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