If all what script is doing is executing "java", just add the right JRE to your PATH as first element.
On 3 February 2016 at 01:04, Leonardo Guilherme <leonardo.guilhe...@gmail.com> wrote: > Problem is, the SenchaCmd script runs java directly, which resolves to > /usr/bin/java, which itself is a script that checks the user choice > regarding the selected java-vm: setting JAVA_HOME does nothing to fix that. > I can edit the SenchaCmd script to run java directly, that would be the > quickfix. > > Thanks for the input. > > Em seg, 1 de fev de 2016 às 13:41, Alon Bar-Lev <alo...@gentoo.org> > escreveu: >> >> On 31 January 2016 at 19:17, Leonardo Guilherme >> <leonardo.guilhe...@gmail.com> wrote: >> > >> > Hello. >> > >> > I'm using OpenJDK JVM regularly on my machine instead of Oracle's one, >> > primarily because of the infinality patches and because I prefer open >> > source >> > software. >> > >> > There are some applications, though, that do not play ball with it >> > (namely, SenchaCmd) and I have to keep switching back and forth between >> > installed java-vms just to run it. >> > >> > I know nothing about Java or its environment, is there a way to specify >> > the java-vm just for this application instead of doing "eselect java-vm set >> > user 1; sencha *stuff*; eselect java-vm set user 3" everytime? >> > >> > Is there a set of environment variables that can do this? Shall I wrap >> > the command in a shell script? Ideas? >> >> Usually, every [well behaved] java application has JAVA_HOME or >> similar environment variable to tell it where java is. >> You can find a valid java homes at /usr/lib/jvm/*/jre or if you >> manually extracted oracle it will probably live in /opt/xxx. >> >> What you should do is go over this SenchaCmd startup script and find >> what it expects. >> >> Regards, >> Alon >> >