>> >> > However, this won't do away with XSS, or other similar attack vectors
>> >> > if
>> >> > the users are not careful with their browsing habits.
>> >>
>> >> Can you give me an example?
>> >
>> > If your coder has another website page open in his/her browser which
>> > contains for example XSS or CSRF code, then the webpage of your company's
>> > web app could be potentially compromised by your user inadvertently
>> > executing state changing commands on it.  By providing a XSS payload the
>> > attacker could execute commands to change username/passwd, change email
>> > address, etc.  This is one reason that Internet Banking providers always
>> > advise their users to log out and then exit their browser when they have
>> > finished their online banking.
>> The other obvious attack would be simply stealing your session cookies
>> or SSL client certificate+key out of the browser's RAM, or off of
>> disk.
> Yes, session hi/sidejacking is possible, as well as obtaining sensitive
> information that the browser has happened to cache.  High value information
> like credit card details should have a no-cache, no-store, Expires:0, but I
> bet there are some websites out there which do not guard against this threat.
> I would have thought SSL certificates/keys would be protected in RAM, but if
> you have a Man-In-The-Browser attack I guess they wouldn't be.
> If you are using a VPN connection as a split-tunnel then although your
> connection to the LAN would be secure, browser credentials could still be
> stolen by browser sessions connecting to suspect websites outside the tunnel.
> It has to be a full VPN tunnel with forwarding Internet access blocked at the
> VPN gateway, for clients to mitigate this threat.

So the user is safe if I send all internet requests from her remote
laptop through the Zerotier connection (instead of only sending
requests to my server through Zerotier)?

- Grant

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