Alan Grimes <> wrote:

> Wrong, I say, WROOOOONG!!!!!

No reason to go into hysterics. Think of your blood pressure! ;-)

> OpenCl is not OpenGL. It is more of a framework than an API. A high
> end machine may have a number of different OpenCL hosts, the cpu,
> vector cores built into the cpu as in the AMD APU line and intel's
> lame knockoff thereof. =P
> There is also OpenCL support in GPUs, Xeon Phi, FPGA and potentially
> other devices too.
> The game Planet Explorers (available on Steam) demonstrates how this
> should be used. You are given a menu at the start of the game that
> lists the available OpenCL implementations. You then select whatever
> device you want to use for OpenCL that day...
> So there should not be eselect OpenCL, All gentoo needs to do is
> enforce standards on where the relevant libraries are stored and the
> application will select which one to use.

You should better report this to the developers of the respective
applications. I'm not an expert on this, but I think this is nothing 
that the gentoo developers can do.

And I think it's better to have "eselect OpenCL" than nothing.


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