On Nov 26, 2015 08:30, "lee" <l...@yagibdah.de> wrote:
> waltd...@waltdnes.org writes:
> > compromised with a small / partition, with empty /home, /opt, /var,
> > /usr, and /tmp directories.  Their real equivalents are bind-mounted
> > from a much larger partition.
> Why don't you just mount the large partition somewhere under /mnt and
> create symlinks to the directories that are missing on the small
> partition?

wrt space, that doesn't really change things.
wrt symlinks, some legacy tools, and regular unix tools have a completely
different behavior when traversing symlinks as opposed to regular
directories, which bindmounts emulate. although in practice i imagine it
wont affect him.

youre really just proposing a different way to do the same thing albeit his
approach is more stable.

> Or, why don't you copy the system to the disk that has the large
> partition and retire the 500MB disk?  That would reduce power
> consumption and increase reliability by having less disks in use and by
> making it more unlikely to mess up anything due to excessive
> partitioning.

its not 2 disks, its one disk and with partitions. at any rate his approach
is valid.

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