On 15 November 2015 05:33:36 CET, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
>screen refuses update due to an compilation error:
>Then type 'make' to make screen. Good luck.
>>>> Source configured.
>>>> Compiling source in
>/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/screen-4.3.1-r1/work/screen-4.3.1 ...
>make -j6 comm.h term.h 
>AWK=gawk CC="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -march=native -O2 -pipe -msse3
>-ggdb -D_GNU_SOURCE" srcdir=. sh ./comm.sh
>AWK=gawk srcdir=. sh ./term.sh
>make -j6 osdef.h 
>CPP="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -E -DMAXWIN=100 -DNONETHACK
>-DSCREENENCODINGS='"/usr/share/screen/utf8encodings"'" srcdir=. sh
>make -j6 -C doc screen.info 
>make: Entering directory
>makeinfo ./screen.texinfo -o screen.info
>./screen.texinfo:3150: `@end' expected `deffn', but saw `example'
>./screen.texinfo:3150: unmatched `@end example'
>./screen.texinfo:3152: unmatched `@end deffn'
>Makefile:30: recipe for target 'screen.info' failed
>make: *** [screen.info] Error 1
>make: Leaving directory
> * ERROR: app-misc/screen-4.3.1-r1::gentoo failed (compile phase):
> *   emake failed
> * 
>* If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info
>* the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv
>* The complete build log is located at
>* The ebuild environment file is located at
>* Working directory:
> * S: '/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/screen-4.3.1-r1/work/screen-4.3.1'
>>>> Failed to emerge app-misc/screen-4.3.1-r1, Log file:
>>>>  '/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/screen-4.3.1-r1/temp/build.log'
> * 
> * The following 2 packages have failed to build, install, or execute
> * postinst:
> * 
>*  (sys-apps/busybox-1.23.1-r1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
>*  (app-misc/screen-4.3.1-r1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge),
>Log file:
> *   '/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/screen-4.3.1-r1/temp/build.log'
> * 
> * GNU info directory index is up-to-date.
>* After world updates, it is important to remove obsolete packages with
> * emerge --depclean. Refer to `man emerge` for more information.
>[1]    13277 exit 1     emerge --update --newuse --deep --with-bdeps=y
>--tree --keep-going  --exclude
>This happens since some time when I update my Gentoo...
>Is a fix for that known?
>Best regards,

The error appears to be related to creating an info-file.
You could try disabling USE flags related to documentation (usually 'doc')

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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