On 2015-09-30, Chris Spackman <ch...@osugisakae.com> wrote:
> On 2015/09/30 at 04:27am, Grant Edwards wrote:
>> [Actually, I don't recall ever using evince or atril for filling out
>> PDF forms -- so that might be another reason I'd have to keep
>> acroread around.]
> If you are okay with KDE apps, Okular has done a great job with all
> the forms I have tried with it. Only issue I have noticed is that
> check marks (which show up fine on the screen) end up printed as
> another character. Still better than dealing with acroread, in my
> opinion.

At the moment I don't have KDE libs installed, but I have in the past
used a few.  A few years ago, the whole KDE libs thing turned into a
bit of a nightmare at one point due to change in revision handling or
backwards compatibility libs or something.  I needed to get on with
life, so I just uninstalled all of the KDE stuff.  I man consider
trying again...

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Like I always say
                                  at               -- nothing can beat
                              gmail.com            the BRATWURST here in

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