<waben...@gmail.com> writes:

> lee <l...@yagibdah.de> wrote:
> [...]
>> I finally got a cable that works.  It's from Delock and says 82771 on
>> the back of the package where the EAN code is.  I like it, it seems to
>> be good quality, and most importantly, it works.
> Then you really had luck. I had two faulty cables from Delock and I
> decided not to buy a cable from Delock again.

Perhaps you got another model/type?  This one has some sort of fabric
around and the plugs look really good.

>> However, I can see the BIOS and the boot manager menu, then during
>> booting, the screen goes black and the monitor says "no signal"
>> (probably when the nvidia module is loaded).  So I logged in blindly
>> and started X11 and got a picture again.
>> The monitor info says 4k@60Hz in the BIOS and when X11 is running.  So
>> there must be some setting which causes the graphics card to blank out
>> on the console.
>> Any idea what that could be?
> That's strange. I would understand a message like "Frequencies out of 
> range" or something like that. But "No signal" indicates, that the 
> monitor gets no signal at all. 
> What happens when you switch from X to text console (Alt + Strg + F1)?

Oh I hadn't thought of that and just tried:  I'm getting a picture, so I
could use the console now.

Perhaps there's some option for the nvidia module I should use.  I'll
have to look into that ...

Hm, and strange is that I'm pretty sure that I used 'nomodeswitch', yet
that isn't there.  I don't know if that's still required, though.  It
might already fix it.

So I need to read some documentation tomorrow ...

Again we must be afraid of speaking of daemons for fear that daemons
might swallow us.  Finally, this fear has become reasonable.

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