On Tue, 2015-09-29 at 13:57 -0400, Alan Grimes wrote:
> I thought it was just a pulseaudio configuration, so I managed to get
> that bastard restarted, no luck, then it was complaining that the
> audio
> device was stuck or something, I warm booted then cold booted...
> Still
> no sound. =(
> Nothing has changed on the machine except I made the horrible,
> unforgivable mistake of trying to update the software on my machine.
> =\
> It has been so long since I have had a problem with my audio config,
> I
> don't know where to begin solving this. Right now there are no error
> messages, it just pretends to play sound normally but doesn't. =(

Hi Alan,

I have the same hardware and pulseaudio configuration as you. (I guess
it's quite stock standard).

I've had the odd occasion where I "loose" sound after using the
keyboard's shortcut key for mute.  A little one liner got it back:

amixer -D pulse set Master 1+ unmute

This assumes you're using alsa as the backend for pulseaudio.

Other possibilities are missing modules, kernel compiled with missing
options, missing packages for audio subsystem pulseaudio communicates
with.  It's hard to be specific without exact errors.

Hope that helps.

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