A while ago, I mentioned that I had problems running cdda2wav as a
regular user.  While rebuilding cdrtools recently, I noticed that the
build finished with the following warnings...

>>> Installing (1 of 1) app-cdr/cdrtools-3.01_alpha17::gentoo
 * >>> SetUID: [chmod go-r] /usr/sbin/rscsi ...                          [ ok ]
 * >>> SetUID: [chmod go-r] /usr/bin/cdda2wav ...                        [ ok ]
 * >>> SetUID: [chmod go-r] /usr/bin/readcd ...                          [ ok ]
 * >>> SetUID: [chmod go-r] /usr/bin/cdrecord ...                        [ ok ]
 * Could not set caps on '/usr/bin/cdrecord' due to missing filesystem support:
 * * enable XATTR support for 'ext2/ext3' in your kernel (if configurable)
 * * mount the fs with the user_xattr option (if not the default)
 * * enable the relevant FS_SECURITY option (if configurable)
 * Could not set caps on '/usr/bin/cdda2wav' due to missing filesystem support:
 * * enable XATTR support for 'ext2/ext3' in your kernel (if configurable)
 * * mount the fs with the user_xattr option (if not the default)
 * * enable the relevant FS_SECURITY option (if configurable)
 * Could not set caps on '/usr/bin/readcd' due to missing filesystem support:
 * * enable XATTR support for 'ext2/ext3' in your kernel (if configurable)
 * * mount the fs with the user_xattr option (if not the default)
 * * enable the relevant FS_SECURITY option (if configurable)
>>> Auto-cleaning packages...

  That might explain my problems.  So I modified my kernel as below...

<*> Second extended fs support
[*]   Ext2 extended attributes
[ ]     Ext2 POSIX Access Control Lists
[ ]     Ext2 Security Labels
<*> Ext3 journalling file system support
[*]   Default to 'data=ordered' in ext3
[*]   Ext3 extended attributes
[ ]     Ext3 POSIX Access Control Lists
[ ]     Ext3 Security Labels
< > The Extended 4 (ext4) filesystem

...rebuilt, and rebooted into it.  Still the same warnings on the build.
So now it appears that I have to...
> mount the fs with the user_xattr option (if not the default)
> enable the relevant FS_SECURITY option (if configurable)

  Can someone point me to an example somewhere of how to do it?  I
prefer not to muck around blindly with unknown options in /etc/fstab
BTW, I'm building cdrtools with USE="caps filecaps -acl -nls -unicode"
if that matters.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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