On Saturday 05 Sep 2015 14:06:27 lee wrote:
> Fernando Rodriguez <frodriguez.develo...@outlook.com> writes:
> > On Saturday, September 05, 2015 1:05:06 AM lee wrote:
> >> In this case, I happen to have full physical access to the server and
> >> thus to the certificate stored on it.  This is not the case for, let's
> >> say, an employee checking his work-email from home whom I might give the
> >> login-data on the phone and instruct to add an exception when the dialog
> >> to do so pops up when they are trying to connect.
> > 
> > As a workaround you can create your own CA cert. I tested with a windows
> > self- signed cert (I guess the correct term is self-issued) and the
> > openssl command will show two certs. The second is the CA.
> > 
> > http://datacenteroverlords.com/2012/03/01/creating-your-own-ssl-certifica
> > te-authority/
> They're saying:
> "Whatever you see in the address field in your browser when you go to
> your device must be what you put under common name, even if it’s an IP
> address.  [...]  If it doesn’t match, even a properly signed certificate
> will not validate correctly and you’ll get the “cannot verify
> authenticity” error."
> What's the solution for a server which can be reached by different fqdns
> and IPs?  What if the fqdns and IPs it can be reached by change over the
> lifetime of the certificates?

If we are talking about changing subdomains, e.g. mailserver1.mydomain.com and 
mailserver2.mydomain.com then you could use a wildcard CN field descriptor in 
your certificate:  *.mydomain.com

If we are talking about a multidomain certificate, then you would have the 
main domain name in CN and add all the remaining domain names in the 
subjectAltName field.

For example:

req_extensions = v3_req

[ v3_req ]

# Extensions to add to a certificate request

subjectAltName = @alt_names

DNS.1 = mydomain.com
DNS.2 = mydomain.net
DNS.3 = www.mydomain.com
DNS.4 = mx.sub.mydomain.com
DNS.5 = mx.someotherdomain.com
IP.1 = 123.456.78.9
IP.2 = 987.654.32.1

You could specify the same on the CLI when you are generating the self signed 

> How do I deploy some sort of central infrastructure all clients on the
> LAN and anywhere on the world will automatically use to do the simple
> thing of adding an exception (or whatever is required for that) so that
> seamonkey and relatives can be used to access email?
> That's letting aside that it's ridiculous to deploy such an
> infrastructure when the same thing could be achieved by the user
> clicking a button once to add an exception, as it used to be.

This I think is primarily a problem of the latest version of SeaMonkey.  I 
suspect they have inadvertently added a regression bug.

> Seriously?  The result is currently a version freeze; the alternative is
> using unencrypted connections.  After some time, the version freeze
> cannot be kept up.  Since there are no alternative MUAs, we can only go
> back to unencrypted connections when that happens.  And that's something
> I don't even want to do on the LAN.
> Well, I've made a bug report about this:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1202128

Also have a look at this bug, in case it is related:



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