On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 04:06:10PM -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:
>   I went to the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) yesterday and
> indulged in a buying spree of 18 CD sets of my fave music (basically
> anything pop/rock/country pre-Beatles).  I now have over 20 CDs that I
> want to rip to flac eventually.  I dread the gruntwork in renaming
> tracks like track01.cdda.wav, etc.  What Gentoo ebuilds are there for
> stuff that'll get ahold of track titles?  Is it in the form of metadata
> on the CD?

I personally like using morituri [1] for ripping my CDs.
It's a little bit slower than some, but very accurate (I believe it
compares several reads, just to make sure there were no errors).
It's not available in the main portage tree, but it's in the dev-zero
overlay as media-sound/morituri.

It can rip to flac (with optional cue files) and works from the
terminal, if you prefer that.
Additionally, it can adjust for drive read offsets when writing files,
and is one of the few Linux things I've found which check the rips
against AccurateRip.

What's particularly nice about it is that it uses what little metadata
and such it can get from the CD to look it up in MusicBrainz and add in
the title, artist, etc.
It also uses this to name the files according to album, artist, song
title, etc.
The template it uses to name the files and directories is relatively
configurable, as well.

If you need more configurable tagging, cover art downloading, and such,
then look into Picard [2], which is in the main portage tree as
It uses MusicBrainz [3] to get a whole bunch of metadata, tags, cover
art, and other stuff, and can rename files much more flexibly than

This is especially nice in combination with morituri, since morituri
saves the MusicBrainz ID into the metadata of the ripped files.
Normally, Picard looks files up by either the available metadata, or by
the acoustic fingerprint.
Since the MusicBrainz ID is already there, it immediately knows which
album it is (although it may have the wrong release if you want to be
that precise).

The only caveats with Picard that I know of are that it's GUI only, it
can't embed full size cover art if the image is above some large
resolution, and I think that submitting extra fingerprints requires you
to register with AcoustID [4].
Also, it's not an actual ripper.
It just works on the metadata and tags of flac, mp3, and maybe a few
other types.

I personally like to rip with morituri, then polish the tagging and get
the cover art with Picard.

[1] http://thomas.apestaart.org/morituri/trac/wiki
[2] https://picard.musicbrainz.org/
[3] https://musicbrainz.org/
[4] https://acoustid.org/

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