walt <w41...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 25 Aug 2015 21:10:28 +0200
> <waben...@gmail.com> wrote:
>       Kernel driver in use: radeon
> <gigabytes snipped for readability>
> Hi wabe.  This whole radeon thing is so confusing I thought I'd
> mention one more very confusing detail that I had to fix before I got
> the open- source ati/radeon driver to work correctly:
> First I tried starting my X session with no xorg.conf file at all.
> That didn't work but of course I can't remember now what went wrong.
> (That was already more than 24 hours ago :)

It's good to know that I'm not the only one with a week memory. Every 
day I thank God for these little yellow post-it stickers. :-)

> Then I generated an xorg.conf in the old way using 'Xorg -configure'.
> That file didn't work right either.
> Then I finally realized that the generated xorg.conf had, in the
> Section "Device" section, this line:
> Driver        "radeon"
> But that's not what we want.  To use the open-source ati driver I
> changed that line to read:
> Driver        "ati"
> And that's when everything finally started to work perfectly.

That's strange. What kind of GPU do you have? With my R7 250E I must 
use "radeon" as driver in xorg.conf. IIRC I also used the same config
for my old GPU (Radeon HD4550).

> One more thing that confused me:  the xf86-video-ati package doesn't
> install any kernel modules.  It installs only these two files:
> /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/radeon_drv.so
> /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/ati_drv.so

That's ok. It's the same on my system. 

BTW: I don't use any kernel modules at all.
> but to use those files you need that Driver "ati" line in xorg.conf.
> <sigh>

Below you find my complete xorg.conf. Actually I don't know if my X 
would also work without the device section. What I remember is that 
I had trouble to get my keyboard working without the InputDevice 
section. But this is some years ago. Meanwhile I have a new keyboard 
and maybe I don't need a xorg.conf anymore.

I will test this soon, if I don't forget it. :-)

Section "InputDevice"
  Driver        "kbd"
  Identifier    "Keyboard[0]"
  Option        "AutoRepeat"    "500 2"
  Option        "Protocol"      "Standard"
  Option        "XkbModel"      "pc105"
  Option        "XkbLayout"     "de"
  Option        "XkbVariant"    "nodeadkeys"

Section "Device"
  Identifier    "ATI-Card"
  Driver        "radeon"


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