My gentoo OS is running on Openindiana (solaris) inside oracle's vbox. It's been left setting for at least 4-5 months maybe a couple more.
After eix-sync, attempting an `emerge vuND world' comes up with so many blocks, use flag changes and a variety of other bad news in such proliferation... I'm thinking better to install from scratch with latest ISO. ,---- | NOTE: The full mess can be viewed here: | | `---- I've been quite a long time gentoo user but last 2+ yrs only very lightly. I'm awful dumb for someone who has problably more than 15 yrs running gentoo. I wondered if there are some very new ISO's that would contain all major changes in last year or so once I got the core installed and key useflags/make.conf setup? Can anyone advise me which iso to use? And which profile to set for general use in a vbox, hopefully to allow a `no sweat' emerge to a full OS.