On Friday, August 21, 2015 10:06:15 AM Francisco Ares wrote:
> Hi,
> In fact, I can only suppose there's something related to changing from
> nepomuk to baloo:
> Now, every time I log in, a window pops up asking for root password.  The
> window title is "PolicyKit - KDE" and pressing the button "Details", it
> shows:
> Action: Folder Watch Limit
> polkit.subject-pid:    5254
> polkit.caller-pid:     6699
> Looking for those PIDs:
> ~ $ ps -A | grep 5254
>  5254 ?        00:00:07 baloo_file
> and PID 6699 doesn't show up any more, probably the process has already
> ended.
> Did I miss something? How do I set up Baloo? Looking on the net, I only
> found how to set up a file ~/.kde4/share/config/nepomukserverrc (that was
> nonexistent, which seemed strange), is there something else regarding the
> database it might be willing to use?

Nepomuk, and now Baloo, want to open file-watchers on your system to get 
change-notifications directly from the kernel (filesystem driver), instead of 
polling the filesystem.
This is actually better, performance wise.

To avoid these message, I created the following file a long time ago:

% cat /etc/sysctl.d/97-kde-nepomuk-filewatch-inotify.conf 
fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 65536

Guess I will need to change the name of that file now :)

Kind regards,


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