Am 23.9.2005 schrieb "q-parser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>I've just updated my apache2 and I found out there were several changes
>done. I mean replacing apache2/conf/apache2.conf with apache2/httpd.conf
>and stuff. But it's not the issue. I have a problem with getting php
>back to work. In /etc/conf.d/apache2 there's that APACHE2_OPTS="-D
>DEFAULT_VHOST". I've added -D PHP4 there, restarted server, but it does
>still not parse any php file.


did you move your php.ini (and the other files) to /etc/apache2?
I had a hard time figuring this out..
With the new 'streamlined' layout, as far as i know, all config-file
moved from /etc/apache2/conf/ to /etc/apache2/

[EMAIL PROTECTED] strowi # ls /etc/apache2/

apache2-builtin-mods  httpd.conf.bak  mime.types  php.ini  vhosts.d
httpd.conf            magic           modules.d   ssl

If that does not work you should have a look at the startup-errorlog from

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