On Wed, 15 Jul 2015, hw wrote:
> Hm, I'm not sure what to make of this bug.  I switched profile to one that
> doesn't say 'no-multilib', and the flag became available.  However, I could
> not compile xen-tools with hvm because stub-32.h was missing.

FWIW, it is not enough to change the profile to activate it, you have to
also adjust your existing packages by re-emerging under the new profile.
So what you should've tried is:

    emerge --update --ask --deep --newuse @world

I don't know how well switching from no-multilib to multilib is supported,
but this would've required atleast a recompilation of glibc (which
provides stub-32.h), and gcc, probably not much more than that (but I
could be wrong). 

Also, a multilib profile doesn't automatically mean your system starts
building two binaries, for that you have the ABI_X86 flags which you can
control on a per-package basis.

> So I ended up re-installing the server to a different profile and finally got
> it to work.
Since rebuilding gcc and glibc takes a while, it's possible that this was
actually the best (quickest) way out.

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