Matthew Marchese <> writes:

> Hi all,
> I see that you've found stager. I'd like you to share your thoughts on
> what a perfect installer Gentoo could do.

The Debian installer is the best one I've seen so far.

If you're thinking towards Redhat, the Fedora installer can't even do
partitioning, and the Centos 7 one was just the like.  They suck
horribly, and they don't give you choices.

Having that said, and having done few Gentoo installations: I'm merely
wishing installing Gentoo wasn't such a lengthy process.  It's lengthy
in that you have to do the steps manually while browsing the excellent

If there was an installer that would guide you through these steps and
bring up the files you need to edit in an editor, that could save a lot
of time already.  It could reduce the possibility for error, as in
overlooking that you need to do some step.

Otoh, I have to come to like how Gentoo is installed.  You can do
whatever you like, and the process is pretty straightforward.  I don't
see how an installer could give you that, yet a perfect installer would
need to.

How about support for booting from ZFS?  I'd really like to see that; it
should be as easy as booting from other file systems.  Without it, we
have to do ugly things.

Again we must be afraid of speaking of daemons for fear that daemons
might swallow us.  Finally, this fear has become reasonable.

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