On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, walt wrote:
> Interesting.  Maybe you could add some helpful ideas to this existing
> bug report:  https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=555186

Added what I found upstream, should be enough to get it to work.

> Alpine?  I used Alpine a few years ago, but I thought UW had stopped
> development on it for lack of users of it.  If ya can't use it on an
> iPhone these days the students won't use it...

When I finally made the move to commandline email not long ago, I had to 
choose between alpine and mutt. Since I was somewhat familiar with alpine 
and couldn't get used to mutt at all, I stuck with alpine.

Lack of development doesn't bother me since it's pretty much complete (for 
my needs). Also someone took up the development and maintenence some time 


(the project website is currently offline, but worked some days ago)

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