On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 07:05:27 +0800
W.Kenworthy wrote:

> I saw a post (I think it was this list, and the following was from
> memory) a month or two back of someone who did just this.  They
> installed with a past date, then ran the system for a week or so and
> exercised it extensively.  They then did the remove everything based on
> atime that hadnt been touched.
> The result was very successful, but they did come across the odd file
> they had to put back.

This seems to be the essence of the problem: if you are trying to build
a router, reliability is the primary goal.

For that matter  it doesn't with the files that you may still have about, but 
which perhaps have no place on a router - ssh, maybe others.

>Testing after the initial delete was considerable.


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