Meino.Cramer@ wrote:
> Hi,
> After trying to play a flac-file with mpv I got this error message:
>     Playing: Track_01.flac
>     (+) Audio --aid=1 (flac)
>     File tags:
>     Artist: Unknown
>     Album: Unknown Disc
>     Genre: Alternative
>     Title: Track 01
>     Track: 1
>     ALSA lib 
> /var/tmp/portage/media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.29/work/alsa-lib-1.0.29/src/pcm/pcm_dmix.c:1024:(snd_pcm_dmix_open)
>  unable to open slave

That's just debug output. In order to make dev's live easier alsa-lib uses 
__FILE__ and __LINE__ macros to point to the exact place where the debug output 
happened. As portage compiles in /var/tmp/portage/... the debug output mentions 
that file (note the ".c" suffix - not .so so it's not a library ;))

To fix your actual problem (no audio) we need to know how you configured audio 
(pure alsa/pulseaudio/...) and which USE-Flags you have enabled for mpv and 

>     [ao/alsa] Playback open error: Device or resource busy
>     connect(2) call to /dev/shm/jack-0/default/jack_0 failed (err=No such 
> file or directory)
>     attempt to connect to server failed
>     [ao/jack] cannot open server
>     ALSA lib 
> /var/tmp/portage/media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.29/work/alsa-lib-1.0.29/src/pcm/pcm_dmix.c:1024:(snd_pcm_dmix_open)
>  unable to open slave
>     Could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound.
>     Audio: no audio
>     : 00:00:00 / 00:05:56 (0%)
> I reinstalled alsa-lib and mpv but the problem remains:
> Why does alsa tries to load a library which is meant to be found under 
> /var/tmp/portage?
> Best regards,
> Meino

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