On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 04:54:45PM -0400, ddjones wrote

> I am still fighting this.  Yes, I've been fighting it since March.
> emerge -e world
> fails with this error.  I've done it at least a half dozen times.  emerge -e 
> world starts out with over 1400 packages.  When webkitgtk fails, this is 
> what's left:
> root@kushiel /etc/conf.d # emerge --ask --resume
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies... done!
> [ebuild     U  ] net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.8 [2.4.7]
> [ebuild   R    ] media-libs/phonon-gstreamer-4.7.2 
> [ebuild     U  ] net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.8-r200 [2.4.7-r200]
> [ebuild  NS    ] net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.6.5 [2.4.7, 2.4.7-r200] USE="egl 
> geoloc gstreamer introspection jit opengl spell webgl -coverage -doc 
> -libsecret {-test}" 
> [ebuild   R    ] net-libs/libproxy-0.4.11-r2 
> [ebuild   R    ] dev-java/swt-3.7.2-r1 
> [ebuild   R    ] net-libs/glib-networking-2.42.1 
> [ebuild   R    ] media-video/cheese-3.14.2 
> [ebuild   R    ] net-p2p/vuze- 
> [ebuild   R    ] net-p2p/vuze-coreplugins- 
> Any suggesting other than format the hard drive and start over greatly 
> appreciated, because I've tried everything else I can think of or find 
> suggested online.

  Try emerging the packages 1 at a time manually.  First...

emerge -1 =net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.8


emerge -1 =media-libs/phonon-gstreamer-4.7.2

etc, etc.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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