On Sun, 19 Apr 2015 13:05:02 +0200, Andreas K. Huettel wrote:

> If this does not help, another (slightly radical) try would be
>   emerge -aC $(qlist -IC 'virtual/perl-*') $(qlist -IC 'perl-core/*')
> and afterwards
>   emerge -uDNav world
> (which re-installs virtuals and perl-core packages if necessary)
> (This should not break anything since 1) virtuals dont contain any
> files, so temporarily removing them does not hurt your system, and 2)
> perl-core/* packages are updated versions of things that are already
> inside dev-lang/perl, so by removing stuff from perl-core you are just
> effectively downgrading these for the moment.)

To be a little safer, you could run

quickpkg $(qlist -IC 'virtual/perl-*') $(qlist -IC 'perl-core/*')

first, to make reverting easier if you need to.

Neil Bothwick

I can't walk on water, but I can stagger on alcohol.

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