On Saturday, April 04, 2015 2:50:37 AM waben...@gmail.com wrote:
> One thing that I don't understand is, why the fact that gravity can be 
> described by a theory of bended space-time is leading to the assumption,
> that there really exists such a "rubber cloth" like space. 

I think it's because he did believe that (and he may be right, it is so far 
the best explanation we have despite it shortcommings). The words he uses on 
the book to describe it IIRC is "shape shifting mollusk", which probably 
sounds better in German. Most of the models built on it depend on it being a 
very real thing and it does explain a lot of things: expansion, red/blue 
shift, background radiation, etc. The big bang as we understand it today 
requires no only that space can bend but that it expanded faster than light.

Fernando Rodriguez

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