2015-04-01 19:19 GMT+02:00 Gevisz <gev...@gmail.com>:
> This question does specifically relates to Gentoo distribution
> but, as far as I have not subscribed to any other mailing list,
> I dare to ask it here.
> So, I am using Claws Mail that downloads e-mails from several
> google mail accounts (all are mine :) and about once or twice
> in a month get into the situation when Claws asks me to verify
> and change the google certificates, first in one direction and
> soon after that (usually during the next downloading of my e-mails)
> - in another.
> The situation is illustrated by the 2 message screenshots that are
> attached to this e-mail.
> The strange thing for me is that, first, the Claws asks me to verify
> and accept a newer certificate complaing that the old one is in some
> aspect "bad", and soon after that it complains about a newer certificate
> and asks me to verify and and accept the older one.
> I suspect that it is google that makes something wrong here.
> What do you think?

Hi Gevisz

I had a similar behavior with another tools : offlineimap
It seems that Google changes certificates very often and/or uses
different certificates on different connections

For offlineimap, the solution is to use an option to check certificates :
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

Maybe there is an option to do the same in Claws Mail.
I found "Bug 2199 - Claws doesn't propery verify certification chain"
[1] which affected a GMail user.
It's fixed, so you may find what's been done.

Best regards

Mickaël Bucas

[1] http://www.thewildbeast.co.uk/claws-mail/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2199

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