On 30/03/2015 00:10, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> Am 29.03.2015 um 20:16 schrieb Alan McKinnon:
>>> I have to do that for 195 ebuilds here and really wonder if that is
>>> correct in the end ....
>> It's a horrible solution, you are right. The problem is that it's not
>> your 32 bit apps that have to be listed, it's all the libs and deps they
>> have that need 32 bit versions to be built.
>> If you have a fast cpu, much disk space and don't care about using some
>> extra resources, you can always add USE="abi_xx86_32" to make.conf and
>> make it global. Every package that supports building 32 bit versions
>> will then be recompiled.
> Is that as it is meant to be or some not-so-ideal-switch that will soon
> get some polishing?
> IMO I shouldn't have to list hundreds of packages (I had to add more and
> more) in some non-default-list ... even when I decide to run unstable
> (~amd64).
> My main system isn't that special at all, gnome, systemd, libreoffice,
> thunderbird, some browsers ...
> Stuff like that makes me really wonder if I spend too much of my life
> time struggling with doing *updates*
> I like Gentoo, you all know, but things like that scare me off a bit.

This is Gentoo, it's all about choice. Sometimes there's a downside,
like a very long package.use to define to Portage exactly what your
choice really is.

Setting the flag globally is covered in today's news item on the matter,
so I assume the devs are supporting it

Alan McKinnon

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